Beckie listens to The Anatomist’s Apprentice by Tessa Harris

Why did you read this book? I misinterpreted the synopsis and thought that the book would be about a woman who became an anatomist’s apprentice to investigate her brother’s death. Instead, she just asked the anatomist to investigate himself.

Has Jeremy read it? No.

42-word review: This book was tedious and had too many plot twists that weren’t even clever; they just made me annoyed it wasn’t over yet. It was too enamored with the protagonist’s supposed genius and managed to make the development of forensic science boring.

Overall rating: 2 post-mortems (out of 5)

Beckie reads Theodosia and the Last Pharaoh by R.L. LaFevers

Why did you read this book? To finish the series and because we went on another road trip.

Has Jeremy read it? Yes.

42-word review: The usual formula was transferred to Egypt this time. Gadji was a poor substitute for Sticky Will, despite his pet monkey. I was glad it wrapped up Theodosia’s story, but the author has other kid-adventurer series if we need road-trip reading again.

Overall rating: 3 reticules (out of 5)

Jeremy finishes the Theodosia Throckmorton series by R. L. Stivers

[Double feature book review! Includes both Theodosia and the Eyes of Horus and Theodosia and the Last Pharoah.]

Why? BECAUSE I AM A SUCKER FOR SERIES. Also, the last book Beckie read aloud while we drove up the coast on an overnight trip.

42 word reviews:

Theodosia and the Eyes of Horus: First two books mostly exhausted adults turning out to not be who they seem, so this is mostly about visiting Egyptian magician and whether he’s good guy or bad. Best part continues to be the relationship between Theodosia and urchin-sidekick Sticky Will.

Theodosia and the Last Pharoah: Takes place in Egypt, so no Sticky Will or other recurring characters besides T’s mother. Egyptian kid introduced as Sticky-Will-stand-in. Mostly fun but tired of formula and Young Reader fiction by this point, so glad this is finale (for now???).

Overall ratings: Eyes of Horus – 3 streetwise urchins (out of 5); Last Pharoah – 3 bazaar-wise donkey boys (out of 5)

Beckie reads The Lieutenant by Kate Grenville

Why did you read this book? Kate Grenville is a great writer.

Has Jeremy read it? No.

42-word review: A beautifully written story about a First Fleet soldier and the events and influences, most notably friendship with an aboriginal girl, that change his life. I wasn’t sure the plot was believable until I realised it was based on a true story.

Overall rating: 4 constellations (out of 5)


Beckie reads We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler

Why did you read this book? I’ve read most of Karen Joy Fowler’s books since enjoying The Jane Austen Book Club, and I was especially looking forward to this one based on the reviews.

Has Jeremy read it? Not yet.

42-word review: Rosemary’s family has a number of secrets that nobody is willing to discuss. This is a wonderful book about family, identity, memory and love. It’s best not to know anything about the plot beforehand, so I’ll just urge you to read it.

Overall rating: 5 family secrets (out of 5)


Beckie reads The Spare Room by Helen Garner

Why did you read this book? I was looking for Australian books again.

Has Jeremy read it? No.

42-word review: At first, I didn’t like this story about a woman caring for a visiting friend who’s dying but won’t admit it, but it’s stuck with me. The characters are prickly and hurtful to each other, but their friendship and reactions are real.

Overall rating:  4 glasses of juice (out of 5)


Jeremy reads Theodosia and the Staff of Osiris by R.L. Stivers

Why did you read this book?: We read the first Theodosia book, and I am a sucker for series fiction, even when I hate the first book. I liked the first Theodosia book.

Has Beckie read it?: Yes, and reviewed it.

42 word review: Again, Indiana Jones is 11-year-old girl in 1906 London. This time involves enchanted staff that brings mummies back to life, and Theodosia needs to drive away several governesses while fighting evil. Best part is pickpocket sidekick Sticky Will and little brother, Snuffles.

Overall rating: 4 street urchins (out of 5)

Beckie reads Theodosia and the Staff of Osiris by R.L. LaFevers

Why did you read this book? It’s the second in the Theodosia Throckmorton series

Has Jeremy read it? Yes. His review could have already appeared by now.

42-word review: Once again Theodosia has to prevent evil adults from using a cursed object. This time she gets an extra sidekick and some adult protectors, at least. It was still fun, but I’m not sure how much more of the series I’ll read.

Overall rating: 3 governesses (out of 5)


Beckie reads The Year of the Gadfly by Jennifer Miller

Why did you read this book? I can’t remember where I saw it mentioned, but it was compared to The Secret History.

Has Jeremy read it? No.

42-word review: 14-year-old aspiring journalist Iris investigates mysterious pasts and a secret society at a New England prep school. I could see where it was going for larger themes and metaphors about good and evil and adapting to extreme environments, but it felt shallow.

Overall rating:  3 secret societies (out of 5)


Beckie reads The Postmistress by Sarah Blake

Why did you read this book? I needed an audiobook for jogging, and it didn’t sound terrible.

Has Jeremy read it? No.

42-word review: Way too much telling that contradicted what was shown. A postmistress didn’t deliver a letter… but it didn’t matter. “Noble” characters didn’t do anything meaningful. The protagonist was the only one to realise in 1940 that the holocaust was going on. Ugh.

Overall rating: 2 postcards (out of 5)